Capturing Pups growing up. Here is Tumnus, now Finn from Narnia litter at 6 weeks and 6 months!
From the Bread litter, Cinnamon, now Emmie, poses behind the foods we raise pups on which make her coat so nice!
Emmie loves going to school everyday! Owner (middle school principal) reports.. “Emmie has been used in social work settings, when students are taking assessments, when students are doing silent reading, and for incentive programs. She is also a celebrity at the elementary schools with some of the kindergarten classes. All my instructors have slowly fallen in love with her. My class considers her a mascot!”
The BREAD Litter
Four-month Puppy Reunion!
(From left to right: Muffin, Pumpernickel, Tessie Toast, Wheatberry, and Bagel)
Bread Litter - Ivy and Aeydn
Our Sweet "Bread" Litter at 24 days
The Narnia Litter - Ivy and Guinness - FOUR-WEEK MUG SHOTs
Puppy Priority
Puppy priority is given to matching pups for service dogs or therapy work. We also reserve a couple pups for families. Typically we try to “match” pups personalities with owners. Nonrefundable deposits($500) are made by personal check or PayPal. The remainder is due with PayPal or check when pups turn 5 weeks old. Pups go to forever homes between 8 and 9 weeks.
Considering being a Guardian Family?
We want to keep this amazing line going! Thus we are looking for a guardian family for pick of the litter pups. Females will come back to us for breeding and to deliver and raise her pups.
Guardian families pay a deposit of the pet puppy price, but then are compensated for their involvement, which if bred should more than offset the initial expense.
Once their breeding is over, the dog is spayed and full ownership is turned over to the Guardians where she remains for her lifetime. Let us know if you may be interested.