How we raise our pups
It's easy to take your pup to all sorts of stores in carts. In our experience, pups exposed to carts are comfortable later on around wheelchairs.
Car rides and field trips 2-3 times a week. Field trips are essential after pups go to their forever home!
raising pups week by week
We watch each puppy closely as individual traits and characteristics are developed. We spend enormous amounts of time encouraging proper development of each pup! This early socialization and confidence building is critical!
Week 1-2 - Early neurological stimulation (See
Week 3 – Pups continue to be held daily in the whelping box. Daily desensitization holding begin. In the safety of their comforting surroundings pups are slowly introduced to new experiences and a host of various noises. Pups are not afraid of noises at this point so they experience a variety of new noises each day. They always stay together during this time and are building confidence through each situation. Pups start using trays to go potty which makes a big difference later on! Routine clipping of nails begins…we clip twice a week for pups to get very accustomed to this!
Week 4 – The pups area is gradually expanded day by day. A large activity box provides early stimulation. From this point on pups are introduced to one new challenge every day to develop problem solving skills and confidence. (Climbing over obstacles to get to their food, figuring out puzzles to find food, balance boards, tunnels, etc.) We believe that all training should be happy happy happy! We lavish praise when appropriate and always encourage eye contact! We have fun and lots of snuggle time too.
“Puppy Culture” training also begins now as pups learn to sit when meeting anyone. Pups have a few short lessons every day and use their skills as they begin to meet a variety of adults and children. Local trainers help out so that pups learn to interact with a variety of “teachers”. Visitors who have no prior contact with dog parks/random dogs may play with pups, but we take many precautions to prevent the transfer of Parvo. We believe that the importance of a litter being well socialized is greater than the risk of we continue to welcome visitors! (Visitors wear clothes not around other animals, wash hands, take off shoes, and handle pups with great care.)
Week 5 – Adventure training begins to encourage confidence in pups. (see Training also begins for pup to mouth on toys – not people’s hands! Pups stay in kitchen during the day and sleeping puppy room at night. Pups continue to sit down when meeting people and work on the “come” command. Great eye contact is continually rewarded.
Week 6 –Pups begin routine “field trips”. They get used to riding in the car and experience different terrain. Pups face new situations and their confidence soars as they continue to learn how to handle and solve new problems. Basic manners continue: pups begin to learn not to jump but to sit before being fed.
Week 7 – Pups receive the Volhard Aptitude and other temperament tests depending on the new owner’s special needs. Problem solving skills and field trips continue. Weather permitting, pups work on leash training. A daily new challenge continues each day along with the trainers working with the pups.
Week 8-9 – Field trips and socialization continues. Pups are microchipped and go to their forever homes! (Note: Pups may not leave before 8 weeks old under any circumstances. They need to stay with their litter until at least 8 weeks to maximize confidence.)
Week 9-11 - Weekly Zoom classes offered to new owners. Owners continue with the puppies socialization program with the goal of having “the best dog they ever had!” (Optional on-line classes continue until 16 weeks.)